Author: Rankwell Australia

Is Google Traffic All You Need?

Google is by far the most popular search engine. It has about 92% of the global search engine market (as of May 2022) So, yes, if you’re going to get as much website traffic as possible via search, it’s going to be from Google. Which is why most SEO typically revolves around what works best…

When you Google Yourself

Digital marketing and SEO is the best way to reach your target audience. We offer you a free SEO audit to show you that we are genuine and that we know what we are talking about. There is no obligation, risk or commitment required. You can use the analysis to improve your website’s SEO performance….

Keyword Research: how to find the best keywords

Choosing keywords to target in your website promotion means selecting the most relevant terms that will increase the visibility of your site on search engines. Conducting keyword research is one of the first steps we do when promoting your website. We will outline how we do it below so that you can try it yourself…

4 Reasons Why You Should Consider Utilizing Paid Advertising

When it comes to driving more traffic to your website, there are several strategies that you can employ. For example using SEO , social media, emails and contests, you can essentially gain enough traffic from these “free methods” to make the return on your investment well worth it. Don’t forget though that the time investment…

What Is Laser-Targeted Marketing

A successful marketing strategy can mean the difference between being in business and out of business. But relying on outdated marketing strategies is a quick way to a dead end. Marketing techniques of yesteryear employed tactics that cast a wide net but often didn’t focus efforts directly on reaching the highest quality leads.  Cutting edge…

How Quickly Does Your Website Load – and Why It Matters

From July 2018 Google have been making speed a ranking factor within mobile search results, but some people seemed to have missed the memo. Certainly, this speed update will affect only the worst pages since the intent of the query is still one of the strongest signal. Thus slow pages can still enjoy higher ranking…